I don’t know how I developed my passion for the cooking of the south.  In fact I haven’t traveled to the south much at all.  I went to Savannah once and recall a wonderful meal at The Olde Pink House.  I’ve been to Williamsburg and dined at the Williamsburg Inn that evokes the old south with black waiters in livery.  I’ve been to Atlanta and Florida but didn’t seek out regional cooking. I wish I had also spent more time in Charleston, South Carolina where it has the biggest concentration of southern chefs doing great things.  I subscribe to the southern lifestyle magazine Garden and Gun and import soft wheat southern flour milled in small granaries in the South.  What more can I do from my perch up north?

Clockwise: fried chicken at the old Caiola's; a generic portrayal of fried chicken ; fried chicken at BJ's

Clockwise: fried chicken at the old Caiola’s; a generic portrayal of fried chicken ; fried chicken at BJ’s

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